With not enough skilled workers we need to not only get women into trades but keep them there. It is no secret that there are social issues that are a barrier which then leads to women having to overcome many obstacles before they enter the trade and once they are in the trades.
Sponsoring a tradeswomen to complete the Tradeswomen Owning Their Power Coaching program will allow women to have access to the tools they need to not only survive but thrive in the trades.
According to the 2020 Productivity Commission, National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development Review -
Targeted support services are very effective at increasing completion rates with some programs as high as 15% improvement. A 15% increase of retention of tradeswomen will have a massive impact on closing the skills gap
Sponsorship package - $3000 per tradeswomen/person
Includes -
6 months one-on-one coaching (13 sessions) with an international award wining mechanic and certified life coach - Louise Azzopardi
Outcomes -
Recipients will have the tools to easily overcome the challenges that life in a male dominated space presents.
Time Line
From the go-ahead of the scholarship to having the scholarship open for application it will be 0ne month, in the month we will discuss criteria for the scholarship (up to the sponsor except for the requirement for the recipients to be 18+)
Applications will be open for a month where social media marketing will be shared 3 times a week by Louise through Facebook, Instagram, Linked in, the Anxious Tradeswoman podcast and her email list.
One week after applications close the sponsor will receive a short list of applicant's (Louise will short list the applications to the ones she can help) to then select the agreed upon amount of recipients from.
Click the link to join the Tradeswomen Owning Their Power Facebook community, see you there!